Unlocking the Wisdom Behind Wisdom Teeth Removal: The Why and How of Oral Surgery

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Good oral health is an essential component of one’s overall wellbeing, and maintaining it means staying on top of dental issues when they arise. One of the most common dental problems people face is erupting wisdom teeth, which end up needing oral surgery to resolve. These third molars are the last set of molars that emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, often posing significant challenges to dental health.

The Need for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth served an important purpose in our ancestors’ diets, which often consisted of tougher foods that required extra chewing power. However, modern diets combined with advancements in dental hygiene have made these additional molars fairly obsolete. As a result, most people’s mouths do not have enough space to accommodate these extra teeth.

When wisdom teeth try to erupt, they can run into a range of issues from the lack of space. One common concern is impaction, where the wisdom tooth becomes stuck against adjacent teeth or the jawbone, unable to fully emerge. Unfortunately, this can cause discomfort and pain.

Potential Complications

Partially erupted wisdom teeth can create small openings in the gums, which can quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria. These are difficult to clean properly, leading to an increased risk of infection and inflammation in the gums. These infections then spread, affecting neighboring teeth and even the jawbone.

Additionally, impacted wisdom teeth can place pressure on neighboring teeth, leading to shifting and misalignment of the existing dental structure. This can undo years of orthodontic work and may necessitate further interventions to correct.

Another concern is cysts and tumors. While rare, they can lead to severe complications from impacted wisdom teeth. Cysts may form around the impacted tooth, causing damage to the surrounding bone and damaging nerves in the area.

The Importance of Early Evaluation

Given the potential issues linked to wisdom teeth, early evaluation by a dental professional is crucial. Through regular dental checkups and X-rays, dentists can monitor the development and position of wisdom teeth in the jaw. Tracking potential problems early allows timely intervention, helping prevent potential complications associated with impacted wisdom teeth.

Benefits of Oral Surgery

The good news is that oral surgery for wisdom teeth removal is a common and safe procedure performed by our oral surgeon. The surgery is typically performed under local or general anesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout the process. Extracting the tooth involves making an incision in the gums as needed, followed by removing the wisdom tooth in its entirety. In some cases, the tooth may need to be sectioned into smaller pieces for easier removal.

By removing impacted wisdom teeth, many of the potential complications previously mentioned can be prevented. You can experience relief from pain and discomfort, and your risk of infections and oral health issues significantly decreases. Additionally, preserving the alignment of existing teeth and the integrity of the jawbone ensures that your overall oral health is not compromised.

Call To Learn More

If you are seeking reliable and expert guidance on wisdom teeth removal, look no further than our exceptional oral surgery team. With our extensive experience and cutting-edge techniques, we are dedicated to ensuring your utmost comfort and safety throughout the process. Our team is eager to answer any questions you may have, address concerns, and provide detailed information about the procedure. Give us a call today to achieve optimal oral health and a brighter smile!